Sunday, June 10, 2007

HIV/AIDS transimission is mainly through unprotected sex

In shanghai the local authority blankets the city with red oval shaped condom vending machines in a bid to cap and rein in an alarming rise of HIV/AIDS cases. Even the cases in Shanghai is under control, the government is still promoting safe sex and curb drug abuse.

At the end of the year 2006, The Shanghai city was comfrimed with two thousand three hundred HIV/AIDS victims of which 718 are HIV carrieds and fifty three AIDS carried an increased of nearly seventy percentage over the year 2005. The shanghai health official reports since the decection of the first HIV/AIDS victims in the city in the year 1987, the number of reported cases had increased and there will hundred death cases reported.

The spreaded of HIV/AIDS transimission is mainly through unprotected sex and shared use of drug injection needles among the drug addits. The most obvious efforts taken by the government is to see that comdoms is make easily available to the public and provide sex education to the public.
