Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Genes can help control HIV dected

AIDS is an incurable diseases in which the virus damage our immune systems which is our body natural defenders and most of the time the symptom are slow to show and when it show it in the advance stage. Scientist today have found three genes that can help some HIV infected patients rein in the virus and postpone the onset of AIDS in a finding that may help guild vaccine and drug development. This identified variations in the three genes may help the immune systems of some patients control the virus while others fail to control HIV proliferation.

It is a battle between the virus and the immune systems, which deploys key immune cells to try to prevent HIV from multiplying out of control. The immune system's success varies Tremendously from person to person. Some people immune system can push the virus down to really low levels while others can't. The researchers hope the that Identifying these three genes can help guide efforts to create an effective HIV vaccine thats works by turning up protective actions of these three genes to make the body's immune system fight HIV infection better. One of the three genes called HLA-C appears to be rather good protential vaccine targets.
